segunda-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2013

Risqué Beijo

Decidi mostrar-vos o verniz que estou a utilizar esta semana. É o Beijo da Risqué.

Este é o 3 verniz que tenho da marca e gosto bastante dele. É um vermelho vivo mas é bastante cremoso e não completamente líquido como um dos que já experimentei da Risqué.
Prefiro vernizes cremosos a vernizes muito líquidos pois acho que são mais fáceis de pintar.
Utilizei também a base da Andreia que é muito boa. Já é a segunda vez que a compro.

- Gostaram desta cor?
- O que acham da marca Risqué?

Hi everyone!
This is the nail polish I'm wearing this week. I bought it a few weeks ago and this is the 2nd time I've worn it.
It's from a brazilian brand named Risqué and it's called "Beijo" which means "Kiss".
This is a bright red nail polish and I like it. I'm really pale so I think red nail polishes look better than other colors on my skin tone. My mother used this nail polish too and she thinks it's more like a summer color than a winter color (it's winter in my country now...).
This is a really cheap brand but it has a great quality. The only problem I have with this brand is that some nail polishes are very liquid and they don't look that good on my nails, but this isn't the case since this is more like a creamy nail polish.
- Do you like this color?
- Have you ever tried this brand?


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